22. Februar 2013

1 Month.

30 Tage und 16 Stunden

1 Month / 4 Weeks / 30 Days / 736 Hours /  44173 Minutes

..... I am away from home... 

I cant believe it! Today is has been one month since I left home and starting my adventure New Zealand ♥  I remember the times when I was counting first the days and than minutes to the flight like it was yesterday.  One month ago I stood on the airport in Hamburg and was really exited and nervous. I said goodbye to my parents, my family and my friends and left everything in Germany behind me. It is nearly one month over that I sat for sth like 24 hours in the airplane, that I was in London and Hong Kong, that I met amazing new people in really fashionable shirts in wunderful colours and also the two wonderful, arduous, weird and also funny days in Auckland are nearly one month over.  :O Today it is 246 Days over that I had the first talk to Hausch and everything began. I cant believe how time flies! It was a really exiting time: the time before New Zealand and also the first weeks here in New Zealand. It was sometimes really hard - but on the other side great and mostly I dont regret it. Its still unbelievable that I´m really in New Zealand. New Zealand is in many things different, not bad, not good - just different!

Vielen Dank an alle die mir das ermöglicht haben & mich unterstützt haben, ganz besonders an meine Eltern und meine Freunde, danke auch für eure ganzen Nachrichten und das ihr immer für mich da seit, ich vermisse euch <3 Und vielen Dank an meine deutsche Organisation Hausch & Partner  - an Frau Hausch und Ihr Team für die tolle Arbeit und Vorbereitung auf diese Zeit.

Ich melde mich bald wieder mit einem Bericht, aber eins kann ich schonmal sagen, noch bin ich in meiner Familie, also hab noch nicht gewechselt, aber mehr bald. Ich hoffe euch gehts alle gut, ich vermisse euch
Exchange is dancing in the rain for no reason, crying without a reason, laughing at the same time. It’s a turmoil of every emotion possible. Exchange is everything. And exchange is something you can’t understand unless you’ve been through it <3

"Sehnsucht - wie kein anderes Gefühl zieht es uns aus dem Alltag fort, in fremde Länder, bis ans andere Ende der Welt..."

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